passlib.hash.ldap_pbkdf2_digest - Generic PBKDF2 Hashes

Passlib provides three custom hash schemes based on the PBKDF2 [1] algorithm which are compatible with the ldap hash format: ldap_pbkdf2_sha1, ldap_pbkdf2_sha256, ldap_pbkdf2_sha512. They feature variable length salts, variable rounds.

See also

These classes are simply wrappers around the MCF-Compatible Simple PBKDF2 Hashes.


class passlib.hash.ldap_pbkdf2_sha1

this is the same as pbkdf2_sha1, except that it uses {PBKDF2} as its identifying prefix instead of $pdkdf2$.

class passlib.hash.ldap_pbkdf2_sha256

this is the same as pbkdf2_sha256, except that it uses {PBKDF2-SHA256} as its identifying prefix instead of $pdkdf2-sha256$.

class passlib.hash.ldap_pbkdf2_sha512

this is the same as pbkdf2_sha512, except that it uses {PBKDF2-SHA512} as its identifying prefix instead of $pdkdf2-sha512$.


[1]The specification for the PBKDF2 algorithm -, part of RFC 2898.