passlib.utils.handlers - Framework for writing password hashes


This module is primarily used as an internal support module. Its interface has not been finalized yet, and may be changed somewhat between major releases of Passlib, as the internal code is cleaned up and simplified.


This module, and the instructions on how to write a custom handler, definitely need to be rewritten for clarity. They are not yet organized, and may leave out some important details.

Implementing Custom Handlers

All that is required in order to write a custom handler that will work with Passlib is to create an object (be it module, class, or object) that exposes the functions and attributes required by the PasswordHash API. For classes, Passlib does not make any requirements about what a class instance should look like (if the implementation even uses them).

That said, most of the handlers built into Passlib are based around the GenericHandler class, and its associated mixin classes. While deriving from this class is not required, doing so will greatly reduce the amount of additional code that is needed for all but the most convoluted password hash schemes.

Once a handler has been written, it may be used explicitly, passed into a CryptContext constructor, or registered globally with Passlib via the passlib.registry module.

See also

Testing Hash Handlers for details about how to test custom handlers against Passlib’s unittest suite.

The GenericHandler Class


Most of the handlers built into Passlib are based around the GenericHandler class. This class is designed under the assumption that the common workflow for hashes is some combination of the following:

  1. parse hash into constituent parts - performed by from_string().
  2. validate constituent parts - performed by GenericHandler’s constructor, and the normalization functions such as _norm_checksum() and _norm_salt() which are provided by its related mixin classes.
  3. calculate the raw checksum for a specific password - performed by _calc_checksum().
  4. assemble hash, including new checksum, into a new string - performed by to_string().

With this in mind, GenericHandler provides implementations of most of the PasswordHash API methods, eliminating the need for almost all the boilerplate associated with writing a password hash.

In order to minimize the amount of unneeded features that must be loaded in, the GenericHandler class itself contains only the parts which are needed by almost all handlers: parsing, rendering, and checksum validation. Validation of all other parameters (such as salt, rounds, etc) is split out into separate mixin classes which enhance GenericHandler with additional features.


In order to use GenericHandler, just subclass it, and then do the following:

  • fill out the name attribute with the name of your hash.

  • fill out the setting_kwds attribute with a tuple listing all the settings your hash accepts.

  • provide an implementation of the from_string() classmethod.

    this method should take in a potential hash string, parse it into components, and return an instance of the class which contains the parsed components. It should throw a ValueError if no hash, or an invalid hash, is provided.

  • provide an implementation of the to_string() instance method.

    this method should render an instance of your handler class (such as returned by from_string()), returning a hash string.

  • provide an implementation of the _calc_checksum() instance method.

    this is the heart of the hash; this method should take in the password as the first argument, then generate and return the digest portion of the hash, according to the settings (such as salt, etc) stored in the parsed instance this method was called from.

    note that it should not return the full hash with identifiers, etc; that job should be performed by to_string().

Some additional notes:

  • In addition to simply subclassing GenericHandler, most handlers will also benefit from adding in some of the mixin classes that are designed to add features to GenericHandler. See GenericHandler Mixins for more details.
  • Most implementations will want to alter/override the default identify() method. By default, it returns True for all hashes that from_string() can parse without raising a ValueError; which is reliable, but somewhat slow. For faster identification purposes, subclasses may fill in the ident attribute with the hash’s identifying prefix, which identify() will then test for instead of calling from_string(). For more complex situations, a custom implementation should be used; the HasManyIdents mixin may also be helpful.
  • This class does not support context kwds of any type, since that is a rare enough requirement inside passlib.


class passlib.utils.handlers.GenericHandler(checksum=None, use_defaults=False, **kwds)

helper class for implementing hash handlers.

GenericHandler-derived classes will have (at least) the following constructor options, though others may be added by mixins and by the class itself:

  • checksum – this should contain the digest portion of a parsed hash (mainly provided when the constructor is called by from_string()). defaults to None.
  • use_defaults

    If False (the default), a TypeError should be thrown if any settings required by the handler were not explicitly provided.

    If True, the handler should attempt to provide a default for any missing values. This means generate missing salts, fill in default cost parameters, etc.

    This is typically only set to True when the constructor is called by hash(), allowing user-provided values to be handled in a more permissive manner.

  • relaxed

    If False (the default), a ValueError should be thrown if any settings are out of bounds or otherwise invalid.

    If True, they should be corrected if possible, and a warning issue. If not possible, only then should an error be raised. (e.g. under relaxed=True, rounds values will be clamped to min/max rounds).

    This is mainly used when parsing the config strings of certain hashes, whose specifications implementations to be tolerant of incorrect values in salt strings.

Class Attributes


[optional] If this attribute is filled in, the default identify() method will use it as a identifying prefix that can be used to recognize instances of this handler’s hash. Filling this out is recommended for speed.

This should be a unicode str.


[optional] If this attribute is filled in, the default identify() method will use it to recognize instances of the hash. If ident is specified, this will be ignored.

This should be a unique regex object.


[optional] Specifies the number of characters that should be expected in the checksum string. If omitted, no check will be performed.


[optional] A string listing all the characters allowed in the checksum string. If omitted, no check will be performed.

This should be a unicode str.


Placeholder checksum that will be used by genconfig() in lieu of actually generating a hash for the empty string. This should be a string of the same datatype as checksum.

Instance Attributes


The checksum string provided to the constructor (after passing it through _norm_checksum()).

Required Subclass Methods

The following methods must be provided by handler subclass:

classmethod from_string(hash, **context)

return parsed instance from hash/configuration string

Parameters:\*\*context – context keywords to pass to constructor (if applicable).
Raises:ValueError – if hash is incorrectly formatted
Returns:hash parsed into components, for formatting / calculating checksum.

render instance to hash or configuration string

Returns:hash string with salt & digest included.

should return native string type (ascii-bytes under python 2, unicode under python 3)


given secret; calcuate and return encoded checksum portion of hash string, taking config from object state

calc checksum implementations may assume secret is always either unicode or bytes, checks are performed by verify/etc.

Default Methods

The following methods have default implementations that should work for most cases, though they may be overridden if the hash subclass needs to:

_norm_checksum(checksum, relaxed=False)

validates checksum keyword against class requirements, returns normalized version of checksum.

classmethod genconfig(**kwds)

compile settings into a configuration string for genhash()

Deprecated since version 1.7: As of 1.7, this method is deprecated, and slated for complete removal in Passlib 2.0.

For all known real-world uses, hashing a constant string should provide equivalent functionality.

This deprecation may be reversed if a use-case presents itself in the mean time.

classmethod genhash(secret, config, **context)

generated hash for secret, using settings from config/hash string

Deprecated since version 1.7: As of 1.7, this method is deprecated, and slated for complete removal in Passlib 2.0.

This deprecation may be reversed if a use-case presents itself in the mean time.

classmethod identify(hash)

check if hash belongs to this scheme, returns True/False

classmethod hash(secret, **kwds)

Hash secret, returning result. Should handle generating salt, etc, and should return string containing identifier, salt & other configuration, as well as digest.

  • \*\*settings_kwds

    Pass in settings to customize configuration of resulting hash.

    Deprecated since version 1.7: Starting with Passlib 1.7, callers should no longer pass settings keywords (e.g. rounds or salt directly to hash()); should use .using(**settings).hash(secret) construction instead.

    Support will be removed in Passlib 2.0.

  • \*\*context_kwds – Specific algorithms may require context-specific information (such as the user login).
classmethod verify(secret, hash, **context)

verify secret against hash, returns True/False

GenericHandler Mixins

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasSalt(salt=None, **kwds)

mixin for validating salts.

This GenericHandler mixin adds a salt keyword to the class constuctor; any value provided is passed through the _norm_salt() method, which takes care of validating salt length and content, as well as generating new salts if one it not provided.

  • salt – optional salt string
  • salt_size – optional size of salt (only used if no salt provided); defaults to default_salt_size.

Class Attributes

In order for _norm_salt() to do its job, the following attributes should be provided by the handler subclass:


The minimum number of characters allowed in a salt string. An ValueError will be throw if the provided salt is too small. Defaults to 0.


The maximum number of characters allowed in a salt string. By default an ValueError will be throw if the provided salt is too large; but if relaxed=True, it will be clipped and a warning issued instead. Defaults to None, for no maximum.


[required] If no salt is provided, this should specify the size of the salt that will be generated by _generate_salt(). By default this will fall back to max_salt_size.


A string containing all the characters which are allowed in the salt string. An ValueError will be throw if any other characters are encountered. May be set to None to skip this check (but see in default_salt_chars).


[required] This attribute controls the set of characters use to generate new salt strings. By default, it mirrors salt_chars. If salt_chars is None, this attribute must be specified in order to generate new salts. Aside from that purpose, the main use of this attribute is for hashes which wish to generate salts from a restricted subset of salt_chars; such as accepting all characters, but only using a-z.

Instance Attributes


This instance attribute will be filled in with the salt provided to the constructor (as adapted by _norm_salt())

Subclassable Methods

classmethod _norm_salt(salt, relaxed=False)

helper to normalize & validate user-provided salt string


salt – salt string

  • TypeError – If salt not correct type.
  • ValueError
    • if salt contains chars that aren’t in salt_chars.
    • if salt contains less than min_salt_size characters.
    • if relaxed=False and salt has more than max_salt_size characters (if relaxed=True, the salt is truncated and a warning is issued instead).

normalized salt

classmethod _generate_salt()

helper method for _init_salt(); generates a new random salt string.

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasRounds(rounds=None, **kwds)

mixin for validating rounds parameter

This GenericHandler mixin adds a rounds keyword to the class constuctor; any value provided is passed through the _norm_rounds() method, which takes care of validating the number of rounds.

Parameters:rounds – optional number of rounds hash should use

Class Attributes

In order for _norm_rounds() to do its job, the following attributes must be provided by the handler subclass:


The minimum number of rounds allowed. A ValueError will be thrown if the rounds value is too small. Defaults to 0.


The maximum number of rounds allowed. A ValueError will be thrown if the rounds value is larger than this. Defaults to None which indicates no limit to the rounds value.


If no rounds value is provided to constructor, this value will be used. If this is not specified, a rounds value must be specified by the application.


[required] The rounds parameter typically encodes a cpu-time cost for calculating a hash. This should be set to "linear" (the default) or "log2", depending on how the rounds value relates to the actual amount of time that will be required.

Class Methods


document using() and needs_update() options

Instance Attributes


This instance attribute will be filled in with the rounds value provided to the constructor (as adapted by _norm_rounds())

Subclassable Methods

classmethod _norm_rounds(rounds, relaxed=False, param='rounds')

helper for normalizing rounds value.

  • rounds – an integer cost parameter.
  • relaxed – if True (the default), issues PasslibHashWarning is rounds are outside allowed range. if False, raises a ValueError instead.
  • param – optional name of parameter to insert into error/warning messages.
  • TypeError
    • if use_defaults=False and no rounds is specified
    • if rounds is not an integer.
  • ValueError
    • if rounds is None and class does not specify a value for default_rounds.
    • if relaxed=False and rounds is outside bounds of min_rounds and max_rounds (if relaxed=True, the rounds value will be clamped, and a warning issued).

normalized rounds value

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasManyIdents(ident=None, **kwds)

mixin for hashes which use multiple prefix identifiers

For the hashes which may use multiple identifier prefixes, this mixin adds an ident keyword to constructor. Any value provided is passed through the norm_idents() method, which takes care of validating the identifier, as well as allowing aliases for easier specification of the identifiers by the user.


document this class’s usage

Class Methods


document using() and needs_update() options

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasManyBackends(checksum=None, use_defaults=False, **kwds)

GenericHandler mixin which provides selecting from multiple backends.


finish documenting this class’s usage

For hashes which need to select from multiple backends, depending on the host environment, this class offers a way to specify alternate _calc_checksum() methods, and will dynamically chose the best one at runtime.

Changed in version 1.7: This class now derives from BackendMixin, which abstracts out a more generic framework for supporting multiple backends. The public api (get_backend(), has_backend(), set_backend()) is roughly the same.

Private API (Subclass Hooks)

As of version 1.7, classes should implement _load_backend_{name}(), per BackendMixin. This hook should invoke _set_calc_checksum_backcend() to install it’s backend method.

Deprecated since version 1.7: The following api is deprecated, and will be removed in Passlib 2.0:


private class attribute checked by has_backend() to see if a specific backend is available, it should be either True or False. One of these should be provided by the subclass for each backend listed in backends.


private class method that should implement _calc_checksum() for a given backend. it will only be called if the backend has been selected by set_backend(). One of these should be provided by the subclass for each backend listed in backends.

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasRawSalt(salt=None, **kwds)

mixin for classes which use decoded salt parameter

A variant of HasSalt which takes in decoded bytes instead of an encoded string.


document this class’s usage

class passlib.utils.handlers.HasRawChecksum(checksum=None, use_defaults=False, **kwds)

mixin for classes which work with decoded checksum bytes


document this class’s usage



Show some walk-through examples of how to use GenericHandler and its mixins

The StaticHandler class

class passlib.utils.handlers.StaticHandler(checksum=None, use_defaults=False, **kwds)

GenericHandler mixin for classes which have no settings.

This mixin assumes the entirety of the hash ise stored in the checksum attribute; that the hash has no rounds, salt, etc. This class provides the following:

  • a default genconfig() that always returns None.
  • a default from_string() and to_string() that store the entire hash within checksum, after optionally stripping a constant prefix.

All that is required by subclasses is an implementation of the _calc_checksum() method.


Show some examples of how to use StaticHandler

Other Constructors

class passlib.utils.handlers.PrefixWrapper(name, wrapped, prefix='', orig_prefix='', lazy=False, doc=None, ident=None)

wraps another handler, adding a constant prefix.

instances of this class wrap another password hash handler, altering the constant prefix that’s prepended to the wrapped handlers’ hashes.

this is used mainly by the ldap crypt handlers; such as ldap_md5_crypt which wraps md5_crypt and adds a {CRYPT} prefix.


myhandler = PrefixWrapper("myhandler", "md5_crypt", prefix="$mh$", orig_prefix="$1$")
  • name – name to assign to handler
  • wrapped – handler object or name of registered handler
  • prefix – identifying prefix to prepend to all hashes
  • orig_prefix – prefix to strip (defaults to ‘’).
  • lazy – if True and wrapped handler is specified by name, don’t look it up until needed.

Testing Hash Handlers

Within its unittests, Passlib provides the HandlerCase class, which can be subclassed to provide a unittest-compatible test class capable of checking if a handler adheres to the PasswordHash API.


As an example of how to use HandlerCase, the following is an annotated version of the unittest for passlib.hash.des_crypt:

from passlib.hash import des_crypt
from passlib.tests.utils import HandlerCase

# create a subclass for the handler...
class DesCryptTest(HandlerCase):
    "test des-crypt algorithm"

    # [required] - store the handler object itself in the handler attribute
    handler = des_crypt

    # [required] - this should be a list of (password, hash) pairs,
    #              which should all verify correctly using your handler.
    #              it is recommend include pairs which test all of the following:
    #              * empty string & short strings for passwords
    #              * passwords with 2 byte unicode characters
    #              * hashes with varying salts, rounds, and other options
    known_correct_hashes = (
        # format: (password, hash)
        ('', 'OgAwTx2l6NADI'),
        (' ', '/Hk.VPuwQTXbc'),
        ('test', 'N1tQbOFcM5fpg'),
        ('Compl3X AlphaNu3meric', 'um.Wguz3eVCx2'),
        ('4lpHa N|_|M3r1K W/ Cur5Es: #$%(*)(*%#', 'sNYqfOyauIyic'),
        ('AlOtBsOl', 'cEpWz5IUCShqM'),
        (u'hell\u00D6', 'saykDgk3BPZ9E'),

    # [optional] - if there are hashes which are similar in format
    #              to your handler, and you want to make sure :meth:`identify`
    #              does not return ``True`` for such hashes,
    #              list them here. otherwise this can be omitted.
    known_unidentified_hashes = [
        # bad char in otherwise correctly formatted hash


class passlib.tests.utils.HandlerCase

base class for testing password hash handlers (esp passlib.utils.handlers subclasses)

In order to use this to test a handler, create a subclass will all the appropriate attributes filled as listed in the example below, and run the subclass via unittest.


Document all of the options HandlerCase offers.


This is subclass of unittest.TestCase (or unittest2.TestCase if available).